Blog Desserts recipes

Homemade strawberry ice cream without refrigerator.
30 Jul

Homemade strawberry ice cream without refrigerator.

Make homemade ice cream besides being very fun and simple, the result is spectacular, a refreshing, delicious dessert and 100% natural.

Also in this occasion the recipe will manually, will not need any special appliances to make these delicious sweets.

It is a good idea to make homemade ice cream taking advantage of seasonal fruits, we have decided for strawberries, but it is possible to produce it with any other fruit.


1 Kg. Of ripe strawberries

22 tablespoons sugar

6 egg whites

1 lemon squeezed

Strawberries to decorate



Clean the strawberries, eliminating them the tail.
Wash them with water and pieces make them.
Using a blender, purée them.
Add the sugar and lemon and continue beating.
In a separate bowl, mount the egg clarasde to soft peaks.
Add the egg whites to the strawberry puree, stirring with a shovel outflanking from the bottom up.
Hands out homemade ice cream in 8 individual containers and bring them into the freezer for 4-6 hours.
Approximately 1 hour and a half antesde consume, introduces each ice cream in a blender and get a very creamy texture.
Throw him back in his individual container and freeze for several minutes.
If you wish, decoracon some strawberry topping.

 Homemade strawberry ice cream without refrigerator.

As you have seen, make homemade ice cream is very simple and is the best we know that the ingredients are natural, no dyes, chemicals or anything.

 Homemade strawberry ice cream without refrigerator.



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