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The typical foods of Córdoba and their preparation
24 Aug

The typical foods of Córdoba and their preparation

Would you like to cook your own typical Córdoba meals? Enter this post and follow our top 5 typical foods from Córdoba step by step. Discover them!


Córdoba gastronomy is one of the most complete in Spain, due to the many references that are integrated into its dishes. The typical foods of Córdoba have very different roots, in addition, they take advantage of the best products of this land.

Next, we are going to know the typical foods of Córdoba and their elaborations step by step.

Typical foods of Córdoba step by step

Cordovan salmorejo


1 kg of very ripe red tomatoes
200g day-old bread (preferably a baguette type bread)
1 clove garlic
100 ml of extra virgin olive oil
Salt to taste
1 hard-boiled egg (to garnish)
Iberian ham in pieces (to garnish)

First, cut the tomatoes in half and remove the green parts. Then put them in a blender or food processor.

Add the peeled garlic clove to the blender and blend the tomatoes and garlic until smooth.

Add the bread that has been left to soak in water for a few minutes and mix everything again until you get a uniform cream.

While the blender is running, add the olive oil a little at a time until you get a smooth and creamy texture. Add salt to taste.

Once the salmorejo is ready, refrigerate it for at least an hour before serving so that it is well chilled.

When serving, cut the hard-boiled egg into slices or small pieces and sprinkle over the salmorejo. Do the same with the Iberian ham.

Serve the salmorejo cold and enjoy this refreshing dish from Córdoba.


Flamenquin Córdoba


8 pork fillets (loin or ham)
8 slices of serrano ham
2 eggs
Bread crumbs
olive oil for frying
Salt to taste

Lay out the pork fillets and flatten them with a kitchen mallet until they are fine.

Place a slice of serrano ham on each pork fillet.

Roll each pork fillet with the serrano ham inside, forming a roll. Make sure that the serrano ham is well wrapped inside the pork fillet.

Dip each roll in beaten egg and then in breadcrumbs. Repeat this process twice to make sure the flamenquines are well coated.

In a large skillet, heat enough olive oil to fry the flamenquines. When the oil is hot, add the flamenquines and fry them until golden brown on all sides.

Once golden, place the flamenquines on a plate lined with kitchen paper to absorb excess oil.

Serve the flamenquines hot, accompanied by chips or salad if you prefer.


Eggplants with honey


2 eggplants
Flour to coat
olive oil for frying
cane honey

Wash the aubergines and cut them into slices of about 1 cm. thick.

Sprinkle the aubergine slices with salt and let them rest for at least half an hour to release the water.

After this time, dry the aubergine slices with kitchen paper.

Coat each eggplant slice in flour, making sure they are well coated.

Heat abundant oil in a large skillet. When hot, add the aubergine slices and fry until golden brown on both sides.

Once browned, place the aubergine slices on a plate lined with kitchen paper to absorb excess oil.

Serve the hot aubergines, watered with cane syrup to taste.


Oxtail Cordoba style


1 oxtail cut into pieces
2 onions
2 carrots
4 garlic cloves
2 bay leaves
1 glass of red wine
Flour to coat
Olive oil
Salt and pepper

Season the oxtail pieces with salt and pepper and dredge them in flour.

In a saucepan with hot oil, fry the pieces of oxtail until they are golden brown. Once golden, remove and reserve.

In the same oil, add the onions, carrots and minced garlic. Cook over medium heat until the vegetables are tender.

Return the oxtail pieces to the saucepan, add the bay leaves and red wine.

Let the wine evaporate a bit and then add water to cover the ingredients.

Cook over low heat for at least 2 hours, or until the oxtail is very tender. You can add more water during cooking if necessary.

Once the oxtail is tender, remove from the heat and let rest for a few minutes before serving.


Córdoba Cake


500 grams of puff pastry
300 gr of angel hair (you can buy it already made or do it yourself)
1 beaten egg (for brushing)
Powdered sugar (for dusting)

Divide the puff pastry into two parts. Extend one of the parts with a rolling pin and place it in the bottom of a tart pan.

Spread the angel hair on the puff pastry base in the mold.

Extend the other part of the puff pastry and place it on the angel hair, sealing the edges with your fingers so that the filling does not escape.

Brush the top of the cake with beaten egg.

Bake in a preheated oven at 180°C for about 30 minutes, or until the puff pastry is golden and crisp.

Allow cake to cool, then dust with powdered sugar before serving.


Ingredients to prepare the typical meals of Córdoba

If you are looking for typical Cordovan ingredients to prepare the previous recipes, at Your Spanish Shop we offer you the best selection of products, so that you can receive them with all the guarantees, even if you need international shipping.

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