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Spanish summer meals: Refreshing flavours to enjoy in the sunshine
26 Jun

Spanish summer meals: Refreshing flavours to enjoy in the sunshine

Discover Spanish summer meals, full of vibrant and refreshing flavours. From traditional paella to refreshing gazpachos and delicious tapas.


Flavours such as horchata de chufa Chufi and ensaladilla are typical of summer in Spain, in fact, there are many recipes that return year after year to our tables with the good weather.

Below, we are going to review some of the traditional Spanish summer foods and how they are prepared.

Spanish summer meals, recipes 

Gazpacho Andaluz



1 kilo of ripe tomatoes

1 cucumber

1 green pepper

2 cloves of garlic

50 g day-old bread

60 ml olive oil

30 ml vinegar

Salt to taste

Cold water (optional)



First, start by cutting the tomatoes, pepper and cucumber into large chunks. Then, add all the ingredients (except the water) to a blender and blend until smooth. Afterwards, strain the smoothie through a sieve to remove the seeds and skin. If the gazpacho is too thick, add a little cold water. Finally, put the gazpacho in the fridge and chill for at least 2 hours before serving.


Paella Valenciana



300 g rice

200 g chicken

200 g rabbit

100 g green beans

1 tomato

1.5 litres of water

olive oil

1 teaspoon of paprika

Saffron strands or food colouring




Start by heating the oil in a paella pan. Add the chicken and rabbit and fry until golden brown. Then add the green beans and chopped tomato and fry everything together. Add the paprika, saffron and salt and mix well. Add the rice and fry for a couple of minutes. Finally, add the water and leave everything to cook over a medium heat for about 20-30 minutes. Leave the paella to rest for a few minutes before serving.


Potato Omelette




4 large potatoes

1 onion

5 eggs

olive oil




First, peel the potatoes and cut them into thin slices, do the same with the onion. Then, heat plenty of oil in a frying pan and add the potatoes and onion, cook over medium heat until soft. In a separate bowl, beat the eggs and add salt. When the potatoes and onion are ready, drain them from the oil and mix them with the beaten eggs, then heat a little oil in a frying pan and add the egg, potato and onion mixture. Cook over medium-low heat until set on one side, then turn over with the help of a plate and set on the other side. Serve hot or at room temperature.


Russian Salad




4 potatoes

2 carrots

1 can of tuna

200 g peas

2 eggs






Cook the potatoes, carrots and eggs in boiling water until soft, in another saucepan, cook the peas. When everything is cooked, leave to cool and then cut the potatoes, carrots and eggs into small pieces. Mix the potatoes, carrots, eggs, peas and tuna in a bowl, add salt to taste. Mix well and then add the mayonnaise until all ingredients are well coated. Garnish with olives on top and chill in the fridge before serving.


Ratatouille Manchego




2 aubergines

2 courgettes

2 red peppers

2 onions

4 tomatoes

Olive oil




Cut the vegetables into cubes. In a large frying pan, heat a little olive oil and add the onion, cook until translucent. Add the pepper and cook until soft, then add the courgette and aubergine, cook until tender. Finally, add the tomatoes and cook until soft and well integrated, add salt to taste. You can serve the ratatouille on its own, or with a fried egg on top.

Catalan Escalivada




2 aubergines

2 red peppers

1 onion

2 tomatoes

olive oil




Roast the aubergines, peppers, onion and tomatoes in the oven at 200°C until tender and the skin is wrinkled, then leave to cool and peel the vegetables, removing the seeds. Cut into strips and place on a platter, season with olive oil and salt to taste. Serve either hot or cold.


Octopus Galician style (Pulpo a la Feira)




1 octopus of approximately 2 kg

4 potatoes

Sweet paprika

Coarse salt

Olive oil



First, freeze the octopus for at least 48 hours to soften it, then defrost it. In a large pot of boiling water, "scare" the octopus three times (immerse it in the boiling water for a few seconds). After scaring, let it cook for 40-50 minutes. Meanwhile, cook the potatoes in salted water until tender. When the octopus is cooked, cut into slices and serve on top of the cooked potatoes. Sprinkle with paprika and coarse salt, then drizzle with a little olive oil.






1 bottle of red wine

1 orange

1 lemon

2 peaches

50 g sugar

500 ml soda or club soda




Cut the orange, lemon and peaches into slices. In a large jug, add the red wine, sliced fruit and sugar. Mix well and leave to stand in the fridge for at least 1 hour. Just before serving, add the soda and ice.

Spanish summer meals at Your Spanish Shop

At Your Spanish Shop we offer a wide range of typical Spanish summer ready meals and ingredients for you to prepare at home.

If you require international delivery, our team will prepare the contents and ensure a smooth delivery process, depending on the products you require.



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