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Imperial cake nougat, a Christmas classic
20 Nov

Imperial cake nougat, a Christmas classic

Imperial cake nougat is the favorite of many people during the Christmas season in Spain, at Your Spanish Shop we offer you the best selection


Imperial cake nougat is a delicious traditional sweet that has become an icon of Spanish gastronomy, especially during the Christmas season. This nougat is characterized by its crunchy texture and unmistakable flavor.

The base of the imperial cake nougat is mainly composed of high-quality toasted almonds, honey and egg whites. The characteristic round and flat shape of the imperial cake nougat makes it easily recognizable, its golden color and its aroma of toasted almonds are irresistible. When you taste it, you perceive a perfect balance between the sweetness of the honey and the flavor of the almonds.

This nougat is a true treasure of Spanish pastries, which conquers the palates of all ages during the Christmas festivities. At Your Spanish Shop we have a wide variety of imperial cakes, like the one made by Delaviuda.

How imperial cake nougat is made

The preparation of imperial cake nougat is a process that requires care and precision to achieve its characteristic crunchy texture and delicious flavor. Next, I will explain the basic steps for its preparation:

Main ingredients

High quality roasted almonds.
Honey bee.
Egg whites.

Preparation steps:

Roasted almonds:

The process begins with the selection of high quality almonds. These almonds are carefully roasted in an oven to highlight their flavor and aroma. Roasting is done at a controlled temperature to prevent the almonds from burning.

Preparation of honey and sugar:

The honey and sugar are heated in a saucepan over low heat until they reach the boiling point. This creates a thick, sticky mixture that will serve as the sweet component of the nougat.

Almond and honey mixture:

The roasted almonds are mixed with hot honey in a suitable container. This stage requires skill, as it is essential to ensure that all the almonds are completely covered with the honey.

Egg white shake:

In parallel, the egg whites are beaten until stiff until they obtain a firm consistency. This step is crucial, as the egg whites will help give the imperial cake its crispy texture.

Incorporating the egg whites:

Once the whites are ready, they are carefully incorporated into the almond and honey mixture. This is done with soft and enveloping movements so as not to break the beaten egg whites. The resulting mixture is poured into special molds lined with paper.

Rest and pressing:

The molds are left to sit for a while, usually a few hours or even overnight. During this period, the imperial cake acquires its characteristic firmness. Press lightly to compact the mixture.

The origin of imperial cake nougat in Spain

Imperial cake nougat has its roots in the rich tradition of Spanish baking, and its origin dates back to the Middle Ages. Although an exact date cannot be specified, it is believed that this exquisite sweet began to be made in the Jijona region, in the province of Alicante, Spain.

The Jijona region was known for being a producer of high quality almonds and honey, two of the main ingredients of imperial cake nougat. The combination of these natural ingredients with the artisanal skill of local pastry chefs led to the creation of this unique nougat.

The name "imperial cake" could refer to the sophistication and exquisiteness of this sweet, suggesting that it was a delicacy worthy of royalty or important figures. Over the centuries, the recipe for imperial cake nougat has been passed down from generation to generation, maintaining its traditional character and its prominent place in Spanish culinary culture.

Today, imperial cake nougat is appreciated not only in Spain, but throughout the world, becoming a symbol of Christmas. Its history and flavor endure, as a legacy of the rich Spanish gastronomic tradition.

The characteristics of nougat cakes

Nougat cakes are a variant of traditional nougat, with some significant differences in terms of shape and texture. Some of its main features include:

Texture: While traditional nougats tend to be compact and firm, nougat cakes have a more crumbly and crunchy texture. They crumble easily when bitten.

Shape: Traditional nougats usually have rectangular or square shapes, while nougat cakes are usually round and flat. This shape gives them a unique appearance.

Ingredients: Although the basic ingredients of nougat and nougat cakes are similar, such as almonds, honey and sugar, the proportion and preparation may vary. Nougat cakes often have a higher concentration of toasted almonds, which gives them their characteristic crunchy texture.

Presentation: Nougat cakes are usually presented in individual portions, while traditional nougats are cut into larger tablets.

Whether you enjoy Christmas cakes or opt for traditional nougats, at Your Spanish Shop we offer you the best selection of Christmas sweets with international shipping.

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