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Buy soy drink, its properties and origin
14 May

Buy soy drink, its properties and origin

If you want to buy a soy drink, at Your Spanish Shop we offer you a wide selection of soy milk, which we send to the place where you need it.


Buying a soy drink is a daily reinforcement for our health. In addition to being beneficial for people with lactose intolerance, soy drinks help us protect our body in other ways. In this post we tell you everything you need to know about this drink.

What is soy drink

Soy drink is a popular alternative to animal milk. It is made from soybeans, a legume rich in protein, and is a suitable option for vegetarians, vegans and people who are lactose intolerant.

The process of making the soy drink begins with the selection of the soy beans, which are left in water for several hours to hydrate and soften. Subsequently, the hydrated grains are ground, forming a mixture that is then boiled. This step is crucial not only to improve flavor, eliminating bitter flavors, but also to deactivate certain compounds that could be harmful or hinder digestion.

After boiling, the mixture is filtered to separate the soy solids (okara) from the liquid, which is the soy milk itself. Finally, the resulting drink can be enriched with vitamins and minerals, sweetened or flavored according to the consumer´s taste before distribution. In this way, the soy drink becomes a nutritious and versatile product, also used in various cooking recipes.

The benefits of buying soy drink

Soy milk, derived from soybeans, is one of the most consumed vegetable drinks worldwide, especially valued by those looking for alternatives to animal milk. The following are some of the main benefits of including soy milk in your diet:

High protein content: Soy milk is a rich source of plant-based protein, making it ideal for vegetarians and vegans. Proteins are essential for tissue repair and construction, as well as for the functioning of the immune system.

Low in saturated fat: Unlike cow´s milk, soy milk is low in saturated fat. This can help maintain healthy cholesterol levels and promote cardiovascular health.

Rich in vitamins and minerals: Soy milk is often fortified with additional vitamins and minerals, including vitamin D, calcium, and B vitamins. These nutrients are crucial for maintaining strong bones, improving muscle function, and supporting metabolism.

Does not contain lactose: Being a plant-based drink, soy milk does not contain lactose, which makes it a safe option for people with lactose intolerance, avoiding associated symptoms such as bloating and diarrhea.

May help reduce the risk of certain diseases: Studies suggest that regular consumption of soy may be associated with a reduction in the risk of diseases, thanks to the presence of isoflavones, plant compounds that can act similarly to estrogens in the body.

Beneficial for menopause: Isoflavones may also be beneficial during menopause, helping to reduce common symptoms such as hot flashes. This mild estrogenic action can make the menopausal transition more comfortable for many women.

Does soy milk have contraindications?

Although soy milk offers benefits, it also has some contraindications in some cases. People with soy allergies should avoid it as it can cause allergic reactions ranging from mild to potentially severe.

Additionally, the phytoestrogen content in soy milk may be a cause for caution. These compounds, similar to estrogen, could influence hormonal balance, so their consumption should be evaluated especially in people with hormonal imbalances.

Soy milk also contains enzyme inhibitors that can affect nutrient absorption. Although the cooking process reduces this activity, people with digestive or nutritional problems should consider these potential interactions before including soy drink in their diet.

International soy drink shipping

At Your Spanish Shop we offer you a selection of soy drinks, available for international shipping. Our products are selected to ensure the highest quality, allowing our customers to enjoy the best of plant-based dairy alternatives.

To ensure that the soy drink arrives in perfect condition, we use specialized packaging that keeps the product protected and at an appropriate temperature during transport. We use insulating materials to preserve freshness and quality from our store to your door.

Our commitment to exceptional customer service includes detailed shipment tracking, ensuring each order is delivered with the utmost efficiency and safety. At Your Spanish Shop we offer you the largest selection of Spanish gastronomic products.

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