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Buy preserves from Spain, the best of our gastronomy
08 May

Buy preserves from Spain, the best of our gastronomy

If you want to buy preserves in Spain, at Your Spanish Shop we give you all the keys to choose the perfect product.


In the varied gastronomic proposal of our country, preserves occupy a place of reference. Buying preserves from Spain means enjoying the best products from our land, at Your Spanish Shop we offer you the best selection, so you can enjoy the best preserves anywhere.

What are the best preserves in Spain

In Spain, preserves are a fundamental element of gastronomy, standing out for their quality and flavor. These preserves are made with fresh ingredients and undergo a canning process that preserves their freshness and characteristics for long periods. The following are some of the most notable preserves in Spain, each with its own culinary tradition.

Canned fish and seafood

Spain is famous for its canned fish and seafood, including anchovies, mussels, albacore, sardines and canned octopus. These products are obtained from nearby waters and canned to maintain their flavor and texture. Canned anchovies are especially valued for their intense flavor and are an essential ingredient in Spanish cuisine.

Canned vegetables

Canned vegetables are highly appreciated in the gastronomy of our country. Highlights include artichokes, piquillo peppers, asparagus, eggplant and canned artichoke hearts. These vegetables are canned at their optimal point of freshness, preserving their flavor and nutrients. They are used in a variety of dishes, from salads to tapas and stews.

Canned meat and sausages

Another important category is canned meat and sausages, such as chorizo, blood sausage, and preserved ham. These preserves offer the possibility of enjoying high quality meat products throughout the year. Preserved chorizo and blood sausage are commonly used in stews and traditional Spanish dishes, while preserved ham is ideal for sandwiches and tapas.

Preserved fruits and sweets

Preserved fruits and sweets are popular in Spanish pastries. The jams, preserves and fruits in syrup such as figs, peaches and plums stand out. These preserves are used to fill pies, accompany desserts or simply enjoy with cheese and bread.

The benefits of canned vegetables and canned seafood

Preserved Nutrients: Canned fish and vegetables maintain essential nutrients, such as proteins, vitamins and minerals for long periods, providing a nutritional source even out of season.

Practicality: Canned food is easy to store, transport and use in the kitchen. They are ideal for preparing quick and nutritious meals without the need to cook from scratch, saving time and effort.

Durability: Canned foods have a long shelf life without losing their quality or properties, which makes them ideal to keep in pantries and use as needed, reducing food waste.

Variety of options: Canned food offers a wide variety of culinary options, from different types of fish and seafood to vegetables, allowing greater diversity in the diet.

Versatility: Preserves can be used in all types of recipes, including salads, stews, pasta, paellas and tapas, adding flavor and texture to dishes.

Source of omega-3: Canned fish, such as tuna and salmon, are rich in omega-3 fatty acids, beneficial for cardiovascular and brain health.

Low Fat: Many canned seafood and vegetables are naturally low in fat, making them healthy options for those looking to control their caloric intake.

Fresh flavor and texture: Well-made preserves preserve the fresh flavor and texture of the original ingredients, allowing you to enjoy out-of-season products with gourmet quality.

Price: Canned foods are generally cheaper than fresh produce and can be a cost-effective alternative to incorporating healthy ingredients into your daily diet.

Availability: Canning ensures the continued availability of nutritious foods, especially in areas where fresh produce may not be easily available year-round.

Buy canned goods from Spain for international shipments

Canned products offer several advantages for international shipping. Firstly, their long life and durability make them ideal for transport over long distances without risk of deterioration. This is especially beneficial for perishable products such as fruits, vegetables or fish, which can maintain their quality and freshness during shipping.

In addition, canned products are lighter and more compact compared to fresh products, which reduces shipping costs and facilitates logistics management. Its lower weight and size also contribute to a lower carbon footprint during transportation, which is positive from an environmental perspective.

At Your Spanish Shop we not only offer you a wide variety of canned products, we also carry out international shipments guaranteeing the best condition of each product, taking into account its qualities.

If you want to enjoy the best preserves in Spain, at Your Spanish Shop we have the best selection.

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