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Buy gluten-free foods at Your Spanish Shop
02 Oct

Buy gluten-free foods at Your Spanish Shop

The possibility of buying gluten-free foods is an advantage for many people with intolerance to this protein. At Your Spanish we have a selection of gluten-free foods, suitable for


The possibility of buying gluten-free foods is an advantage for many people with intolerance to this protein. At Your Spanish we have a selection of gluten-free foods, suitable for people with celiac disease, or who are looking for alternatives to traditional foods.

What is gluten and celiac disease?

Gluten is a complex protein present in cereals such as wheat, barley and rye; it is mainly composed of two proteins: gliadin and glutenin. In baking, gluten is essential to give elasticity to the dough, allowing the bread to rise and acquire its characteristic texture.

Celiac disease is an autoimmune disease in which gluten consumption causes an immune response that damages the villi of the small intestine. This damage prevents the intestine from properly absorbing nutrients from food, which can lead to malnutrition and other health problems. Symptoms vary widely, from digestive disorders such as bloating and abdominal pain, to non-digestive manifestations such as fatigue, joint pain and skin problems, among others.

Although celiac disease is the best-known gluten-related disease, it is not the only one. There is also non-celiac gluten sensitivity, in which individuals experience similar symptoms when consuming gluten, but without the autoimmune damage to the intestine. Additionally, there are people with wheat allergies who should also avoid gluten.

For people with celiac disease, the only effective solution is to maintain a strictly gluten-free diet.

What are gluten-free foods like for celiacs?

Gluten-free foods for celiacs are those that do not contain the gluten protein. These products are essential for people with celiac disease, as their immune system reacts adversely to gluten, damaging the small intestine.

Naturally gluten-free foods include fruits, vegetables, meats, fish, eggs, legumes, nuts, and most dairy products. However, the food industry has developed a wide range of specific products for celiacs: from breads, pastas and cookies to sauces and other preparations, all formulated without gluten.

These products usually use alternative flours such as rice, corn, almond or potato, and they also have seals or certifications that guarantee their absence of gluten. It is crucial to read labels and ensure there is no cross contamination. Despite these adaptations, advances in the industry have allowed many of these foods to maintain similar flavors and textures to their gluten-containing counterparts, thus facilitating the diet of those suffering from celiac disease.

Buy gluten-free foods at Your Spanish Shop

At Your Spanish Shop we have a selection of gluten-free products from leading brands in Spain.

Breads and pastries: They are made with alternative flours, such as rice, corn, almond or potato flour. You can find everything from gluten-free peaks to cookies and other gluten-free pastries.

Pastas: Made with ingredients such as corn or rice, they offer alternatives to traditional wheat pasta. In our store you have gluten-free pasta from brands such as Gallo.

Breakfast: There is a wide variety of cookies, bars, corn pancakes and other snacks formulated without gluten.

Beverages: Although many beverages are naturally gluten-free, some beers and other alcoholic beverages may contain gluten. In our online store it is possible to find gluten-free beers and other alternatives.

Basic products: In addition to the previous products, in our catalog you have corn flour and other products for gluten-free kitchens.

International shipping from Your Spanish Shop

At Your Spanish Shop we are your gateway to authentic Spanish gastronomy from any corner of the world. We are specialists in selecting and sending the most representative flavors of Spain directly to your home, no matter which country you are in.

We ensure that each shipment complies with all international regulations and that our products arrive in perfect condition at their destination. From delicious Spanish olives to authentic Iberian ham, each product is carefully packaged to preserve its freshness and flavor.

For those people who follow a special diet, for example gluten-free, we have excellent news, at Your Spanish Shop we take into account the dietary needs of our customers and offer a special selection of gluten-free products, allowing celiacs and those with sensitivity gluten-free, enjoy the rich Spanish gastronomy without worries, including both gluten-free foods and drinks.

Trust Your Spanish Shop to bring the essence of Spain to your table. Our passion is to share Spanish culinary culture and tradition with the world, and we are here to make it possible.

If you have any questions about regulations or the ability to ship specific products, you can contact our team.

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