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Buy blood sausage and butifarra for international shipments
03 Apr

Buy blood sausage and butifarra for international shipments

If you want to buy Spanish blood sausage from Burgos and Asturias or Catalan butifarra, at Your Spanish Shop we offer you international shipping.


At Your Spanish Shop you can buy Spanish blood sausage at the best price and receive it at your own home, both through national and international shipments. In addition, we have a wide selection of botifarras and other Spanish sausages.

The intense flavor of Spanish blood sausage

Spanish blood sausage is a traditional sausage from the gastronomy of Spain, known for its intense flavor and unique texture. This product is made mainly from pork, fat or lard, and other ingredients such as rice, onion, pine nuts and spices, among which pepper stands out, are often added. The mixture of these ingredients, along with blood, is placed in natural casings and cooked, either by boiling, roasting or smoking, depending on the region and recipe.

There is a great variety of blood sausages throughout Spain, each one with different characteristics that reflect the cultural and culinary diversity of the country. For example, Burgos blood sausage is famous for including rice in its preparation, giving it a particularly grainy texture. On the other hand, the blood sausage from León is characterized by its smoky flavor and the presence of onion, while in Andalusia you can find blood sausage with almonds and other nuts, providing a crunchy touch.

Blood sausage is consumed in various ways in Spain, serving both as an ingredient in more elaborate dishes and as a tapa or appetizer, accompanied by bread. It is the protagonist in many dishes of traditional Spanish cuisine, including Asturian fabada, stews, lentils and many other stews and stews, where it provides depth and richness.

Its value lies not only in flavor, but also in its ability to reflect the culinary history of Spain. Through the regional variations of blood sausage, you can appreciate the influence of different cultures, food preservation techniques and the adaptation of local products in cuisine. In addition, blood sausage continues to be an important element in traditional pig slaughters, a social and family event that marks the beginning of winter in many parts of Spain. This sausage, with its rich history and diversity, is a true treasure of Spanish gastronomy.

Buy Butifarra at Your Spanish Shop

Butifarra is a fresh sausage typical of Spanish gastronomy, especially rooted in the region of Catalonia. This meat product is made mainly with minced pork, to which salt, pepper and, sometimes, other spices are added to enhance its flavor, such as garlic or fennel. The mixture is placed in natural casings and then cooked, either grilled, roasted or boiled.

One of the characteristics of butifarra is its culinary versatility. There are multiple varieties, each with its own flavor profile and preparation method. White sausage, for example, is frequently consumed cooked and is a common ingredient in escudella, a traditional Catalan stew. Black sausage, which includes blood in its preparation, is another popular type that is enjoyed in various culinary preparations.

Butifarra is not only appreciated for its flavor, but also for its cultural role in Spanish festivities and traditions. In Catalonia, it is the protagonist in the Calçotada, a festival where young onions (calçots) are roasted and served with sausage, among other accompaniments. Furthermore, its presence is common at barbecues and on the Easter table, evidencing its importance in festive cuisine.

Beyond its traditional consumption, botifarra has been reinvented in contemporary Spanish cuisine, where avant-garde chefs use it to create innovative dishes that pay tribute to their culinary heritage. With a history that dates back to Roman times, botifarra represents a link with Spain´s gastronomic past, being appreciated both in home cooking and in haute cuisine. Its flavor and diversity make it an indispensable element of the rich Spanish culinary tradition.

Preserve butifarra and blood sausage at home

To preserve blood sausage and sausage at home and maintain its freshness and flavor, it is important to follow some basic recommendations. The blood sausage, once purchased, should be stored in the refrigerator if it is going to be consumed in the following days. For longer storage, it can be frozen, wrapping it well in kitchen plastic or in an airtight container to avoid freezer burn and preserve its flavor; This is especially useful for raw or cooked blood sausages.

Fresh sausage, being an uncured sausage, should also be refrigerated and consumed days after purchase. If you do not plan to consume it in the next few days, the sausage can be frozen in the same way as the blood sausage, making sure to wrap it properly to protect it.

Before consuming frozen blood sausage or sausage, it is advisable to defrost them completely to ensure uniform defrosting and maintain the quality of the product. These simple practices help you enjoy these Spanish sausages at their best, preserving their integrity.

At Your Spanish Shop we offer you a wide variety of Spanish gastronomic products, among which the best sausages stand out.

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