white beans Luengo 5 kg.

General description

white beans Luengo. nice and soft on the palate. Very thick in cooking.

Technical description

P.N. 5kg.

The kilo comes to € 3.32

Hermetically sealed bag container

Spanish product made by Legumbres Luengo - Ctra Nacional VI, km 314. 24794 Riego de la Vega (León)

White bean

Nutritional values

Energetic value (Kj) 1233.0 Kj
Energy value (Kcal) 292.0 Kcal
Fat2.1 g
Saturated Fat 0.3 g
Carbohydrates39.0 g
Sugars5.3 g
Protein20.8 g
Salt 0.02 g

20,36€ (4.07€/Kg.)
Minimum quantity: 1

Ref. 1193

In stock
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Descripción Detallada

Indulge in the luxurious texture and exceptional taste of Luengo white beans, the perfect staple for your culinary creations. As you delve into your next kitchen adventure, imagine the rich, creamy consistency these beans offer, making every dish exceptionally thick and savory. Hailing from the heart of León, Luengo has established a reputation for cultivating legumes that transform ordinary meals into gourmet experiences. Each 5kg hermetically sealed bag ensures that the white beans remain fresh, preserving their natural flavor and quality from the moment they are packed until they reach your home. Luengo´s meticulous attention to detail guarantees you´re getting nothing but the best for a price that translates to excellent value for money. With these beans, you´re not just purchasing a product; you´re investing in nutrition. A single serving is a powerhouse of energy, packed with proteins essential for maintaining a healthy muscle mass, while being low in fats and nearly sodium-free — an ideal choice for mindful eaters. Plus, the fiber-rich content aids in digestion, making it a smart choice for your well-being. Whether you´re preparing a hearty stew, a comforting soup, or a refreshing salad, Luengo white beans are the versatile ingredient you need. They hold their shape beautifully and absorb flavors wonderfully, enhancing any recipe. Not only will they elevate your dishes, but they will also provide your body with the essential nutrients it needs. Choose Luengo white beans for your kitchen; they´re not just food, they´re a feast for the senses. Embrace the tradition and quality delivered by a brand that truly understands the essence of Spanish legumes.

Purchase details

You can buy white beans Luengo 5 kg. in our online store paying by credit card, paypal and bank transfer, you can also receive it at your own home. We will send you the product of the brand with the maximum guarantees. You will also have 15 days to make any return.
